I Just Ate Salmon

Marching along into day 6…



I ate salmon, holding my nose and eating it with an orange to mask the flavor! Yeah, you could say, I don’t particularly prefer to eat salmon. I did it for the Omegas and I will do it at least once a week.

Everything has been pretty smooth sailing so far. I think I won over my children when I told them we could still eat at Moes!



I am having to explain a lot of things to my 9 year old daughter. She is a very good eater and will eat almost all things healthy. The issue is the things she can’t have or what she will be limited on. I am hoping to find some awesome recipes to please her palate! Until then, I just say…


I’m pretty proud of our Whole Foods run. We did not plan to shop there but we had been out all day and were tired and hungry. So we ate at the cafe and then did our shopping. We typically shop at Trader Joes but were far from the one in our town.



I do have to say that we did get some pretty good deals and I actually can feel good about the food my family is eating. Especially the meat. We scored on some grass-fed beef. They had it Buy One Get One free!! WOOOHOOO! Typically beef is expensive so I am used to shelling out $8-$10 on 1lb of lean beef. So, when you find grass fed beef at $8.99 and it is buy one get one, you do a little happy dance! Our total bill came out to $140. When we got home we realized they had given us something extra in our bag that wasn’t in our lot, nor did it show up on the receipt.


I plan to get a little stricter and specific as we go on. Right now I am motivated and feeling pretty good overall.

Sometimes I need a little motivation …


But I remind myself why I am doing it and I quickly go back to taking DOMINION IN THE KITCHEN!

For the life and health of my family.

I need my interwebs family to back me up too as we push forward because before long, this will be me…


Thanks for stopping by.

Here are some awesome links to make meal planning easier!

Plan To Eat (Meal Planning)

Put in what you have at home and this website will give you the recipes you can make!

How one woman put her Auto Immune Disease in Remission

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